Friday, March 2, 2007

The Formula to a Box Office Hit

Now that the Oscars are completely out of everyone's mind (which is a good thing. I'm tired of people thinking they're a "movie buff" when they can't even name one Best Picture winner other than The Departed), we can focus on film as a whole. Also, on an unrelated note, I become a full time contributor for Oscar Addict in a matter of days. Anyways, when focusing on film as a whole, it's hard to ignore the box office factor. Below is a foolproof way to receive a box office hit. Listen up, Tara Reid!

  • Get movie stars that haven't done any other particularly good movies, but are all respected. That way, their part in this film will be remembered as their "career defining" role (aren't you tired of how at EVERY award show there's always an "exclusive Titanic reunion between Leo and Kate!" Well they brought that upon themselves.)
  • If you can't do the above, then be a sequel to a surprisingly successful film of a few years ago (Shrek 2 and Pirates of the Caribbean come to mind).
  • Make a moderately good movie. MODERATELY good. Don't make it so good that it would fend off a popular audience, but make it good enough that it can get a little Oscar attention (or a lot)
  • If necessary, be animated. Animated films rarely fail at the box office (provided that they don't suck.)
  • Most importantly, ADVERTISE! Everyone likes to say that advertising doesn't effect them, but it does. It effects everyone. Promote promote promote promote!

Wow, I feel powerful now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is like crazy good