Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday Rental: Children of Men

My dad got sick, so unfortunately I couldn't see "Namesake" today (and none of my friends want to see it. Grr), so I decided to go rent "Network." Blockbuster, being the classless store that it is, didn't have a copy. So I had a choice between "Bobby" and "Children of Men". Naturally, I chose "Children of Men." I have to say, i was a little disappointed. Yes, Clive Owen gives a great performance, along with the incredibly impressive newcomer Claire-Hope Ashitey. And the idea and themes are compelling. But I can't say I really enjoyed watching it. It isn't "one of the year's best" as many have dubbed it. That said, it's certainly not bad movie. It had the potential to be great, but it didn't acheive it by steering towards the wrong direction and by limiting the truly outstanding Julianne Moore's role. B-

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