Sunday, January 18, 2009

Possible Surprises on Thursday: Best Supporting Actress

AMY ADAMS Scores the Nomination Instead of VIOLA DAVIS

While it is most likely that either both women from Doubt or else just Davis will get nominations, it is worth noting that Adams has garnered the strongest audience following for her performance, and, while critics prefer Davis, Adams has actually scored more precursor nominations (in fact, this very situation occurred at the BAFTA's). Something to look out for.FREIDA PINTO Surprises

I can't figure out what, exactly, she did in this movie that was so remarkable, but, as the BAFTA nomination indicates, if the Academy really goes apeshit for Slumdog she could easily ride the bandwagon. I actually think this will happen.ROSEMARIE DeWITT or DEBRA WINGER Surprise

Both of these performances have, like Adams or Franco, built and maintained a very supportive fanbase for quite some time, which could be enough to win one of them the nomination (most likely Winger). Plus, if they're all over Hathaway, a supporting nomination would only help her.The only one of these I really see happening is maybe Pinto, but who knows. Who do you guys think could surprise in this category?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ your thoughts on Pinto

Winger/DeWitt seem likely

But if Davis is snubbed Thurday, it'll be one of the most crushing and disappointing moments. Her performance in "Doubt" was truly remarkable. Adams was good but was no where near the level of Davis' brilliance.

I guess we'll see